To our valued clients:
As we all navigate through this new COVID-19 landscape, I want to start by thanking you all for your patience and understanding for the concessions you have been asked to make to keep our staff safe, and our very most critical patients in treatment. I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and concern for our entire team, and the survival of our business as a whole. Thank you!
As we move forward, there will, unfortunately, be more concessions to be made. Beginning this Monday, July 6, we are moving into our reopening phase of allowing clients to enter the building. But it will not look the same as what you are used to. We have requirements from both the state and local government that we must abide by in order to be allowed to open and remain open. Furthermore, if any of our employees were to become infected with COVID-19, our entire office will be forced to shut down for 14 days to allow all other employees to self-quarantine at home. That would be heartbreaking to me; first, as it would mean that someone I care deeply about has contracted this deadly virus, and second, because up to this point, I have managed to keep my business open in some regard throughout this entire pandemic. For this reason, we must put the following restrictions on clients entering the building at this time:
• All individuals entering the building will be asked a series of health screening questions prior to being allowed access to the facility
• Anyone with the following symptoms will not be permitted inside:
o Fever
o Cough
o Shortness of breath
o Muscle aches
o Severe tiredness
o Chills
o New loss of sense of taste of smell
o Diarrhea
o Runny nose
o Sore throat
• Anyone having traveled domestically or internationally by plane or outside of their local area will be asked to postpone their visit for 14 days after their return
• One healthy individual per patient will be permitted into the facility, and will have their temperature taken via contactless thermometer at the front desk prior to being allowed to enter their treatment area
• Anyone with a temperature of 100.4° F or above will not be permitted inside
• Face masks must be worn properly at all times while inside the building
• Clients are to call upon arrival, and will be escorted into the building and to their treatment area once it is disinfected and ready for use
• Clients will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry to the building prior to moving to their treatment area
• Client access will be limited to the treatment area designated for their pet’s treatment that day
• Clients will be escorted out of the building at the completion of treatment, and scheduling and payment arrangements will take place by phone in similar fashion as we have been using during our curbside phase
• Unfortunately, restrooms will not be available for public use
The safety of our staff and clients is of the utmost concern to me, as is making certain that we are able to continue to provide care for our patients. For this reason, there will be no exception to the face mask policy. If you have a health condition that you feel prevents you from wearing a face mask, or feel that you are in the high-risk group and would prefer not to enter the building at this time, please let our staff know when they create or confirm your appointment, as special accommodations will need to be made to provide curbside service for your pet, which may necessitate rescheduling your pet’s treatment.
Please understand that I value each and every one of you and, for this reason, I will be adamant about face coverings. If you are not wearing your mask properly, our staff will ask you to adjust it. If for some reason your mask does not, or cannot, stay in place, we will have to ask you to leave the building. If we have the capacity to do so, we will compete your pet’s scheduled therapy for the day in curbside fashion; however, once we have had to ask you to leave for not wearing your face mask properly, all future treatments for your pet will be scheduled in curbside fashion until such time as face masks are no longer necessary for us to safely operate. In this instance, there will be an additional COVID surcharge of $60/hour for any scheduled treatments, to offset the cost of the treatment that we will not be able to provide to another pet due to the need to have a second technician available to assist with yours. Again, I apologize for any perceived strictness of this plan but will not waiver, because it is the best way to keep all in my care safe. I would be mortified if anyone were to contract this virus due to the absence of these rules.
As we work hard to maintain the high standard of care you have come to expect in the face of these COVID-19 related challenges, your continued understanding and patience is greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance for adhering to the above guidelines, to allow us to follow all of the governmental regulations placed upon us and continue to operate at this time.
Be well, and I hope to see you soon!
Dr. Mary
Our full COVID preparedness and response plan can be accessed here: ARF COVID preparedness and response plan